


  • LKG to Std. V: The school uniform is dark green skirt with box pleats and light green shirt with rounded collar.
  • Std. VI to VIII: Dark green pinaforewith box pleats and light green half-sleeved shirt with rounded collar.
  • Std. IX to XII: Dark green skirt with box pleats with light green half-sleeved shirt with rounded collar along with a dark green sleeveless waistcoat.


  • LKG to Std. V: The school uniform is dark green trouser and light green shirt with pointed collar.
  • Std. VI to IX: The school uniform is dark green pant and light green shirt with pointed collar.
  • Uniform is to be stitched as per the design displayed in the school office.


Black closed shoes with flat heels.


White socks should be worn on all working days.

General Accessories

School badge

Belt with buckle

Sports Uniform

Will be provided by the school.

White canvas shoes

Note : Adherence to the school uniform policy is essential for maintaining a sense of discipline and identity within the school community. Students are expected to wear the prescribed uniform on all working days and parents are encouraged to ensure that their children comply with the uniform guidelines.